
Semper Gratis

I'm thankful.

And I know I'll never deserve any of it.

Not the patient sighs, the hands that reach in love.

I can taste it. How sweet this is, how rare. How much I shouldn't have this, but I do.

Sometimes, I can't reach back. My words don't work, my pride binds me.

I'll never deserve this. These quiet moments I can hear you waiting. Your grim-set mouth hates what I've done, but your eyes don't complain.
Sometimes we need a heart beat to trod through nightmares with us.
And your heart pounds steady. Your blood runs faithful.
I know what you see. So many tears cast on barren ground, until they run together in an ugly labyrinth of muddy disappointment.

But you're a farmer. So you hunker down with promises clenched tightly in your heart, and wait for the harvest.

And I'm thankful.

"Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy!"  -- psalm 126:5


In Cold October

When I grow up
In cold October

Should I sail
For fire-swept shores?

Could I explore
The whole world over,

Might I pace
Abandoned floors?

When the sun
Falls all around me

When I dance
through foreign lands

Will I wish for
Hands to guide me

When I wade
Through testing sands?

When the whispers
Of adventure

Kiss my soul
And weave their part

Should they hold
My mind forever?

Not if Love wind
'Round my heart.

photo creds: expertinawkward.tumblr.com

"My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." -- Exodus 33:14